Discretionary Dollars
Who is your real competition? Other eyecare professionals? Major chains?
Sure, that's part of the answer. But, you're also competing with every other retail and service business in your market.
And, what you're competing for isn't just a patient's healthcare dollars. The real pot of gold is the consumer's discretionary dollars.
That means you need to tap into patient wants and needs in a way that will make them want to choose eyewear over other purchases. And, while you and I think it's obvious that better vision is a lot more important than a new shirt or scarf, it's up to you to "sell" consumers on that issue. And the best way to do that is through patient education.
Take UV and kids, for example, which is the subject of this month's Transitions-sponsored CE course. If parents were really aware of the long term dangers UV poses to young eyes, there's little question that UV-attenuating eyewear would move way up on their list of back-to-school buys.
Sure, educating patients can make a sale. But, more importantly, it will build word of mouth. And, most of all, it will protect and enhance your patients' vision.
Stephanie K. De Long