Craving for...
Americans may be over-carbed and caloried, but when it comes to purchasing products, studies show they're starved for information. And, nowhere is that more true than with sports eyewear.
Yet many ECPs think consumers don't want to learn about the technology behind products or how advances will help them achieve their goals. In the case of sports eyewear, that goal is athletic excellence. But the fact is that avid athletes are also avid readers on the latest gear for their sport. And they spend to win.
Several years ago, a survey showed that nearly 70 percent of eyewear consumers wanted to know more about products and technology. EB followed up with a survey of ECPs. When asked the same question, only 30 percent of opticians and doctors surveyed thought their patients wanted more information. Talk about a disconnect!
The solution can be simple: Start small by inventorying AND merchandising just a little sports-specific eyewear. But, don't forget that product alone is not he answer. It's all about education and meeting that consumer craving for information.
K. De Long