buyer's forum
It's so appropriate to have a sunwear feature
as many of us prepare to head out west for International Vision Expo West. Of
all places, Las Vegas is a reminder of the value of year-round sun coverage. The
misbehaving mecca is also a place that illustrates so stylishly that there is hardly
a time of day or night that
sunglasses are inappropriate.
Sunwear serves so many purposes, from protector to sports equipment to style statement. And that's applicable for every wearer. As we strive to inspire sales of multiple pairs, the sunglass wardrobe may be the area with the most potential for consumers.
Following are a few timeless tips from EB about sunwear sales.
PROMOTE IT. "Juanita Moman, owner of Moman's Optical in Gadsen, Ala., has created a local event that people eagerly await twice a year. Moman holds a sunglass sale on or about March 1 and during the middle of the summer. This brings people in from far and wide." (February 1986)
FUNCTION AND FASHION. "Consumer awareness of
the harmful effect of UV rays has had a big impact on the growth of sunwear
sales," says Jim Pritts, president of the Sunglass Association of America. He adds
that it's nonetheless important to keep a balance between function and fashion.
"Protection or
not, if they hate the way their glasses look, they won't wear
them." (January 1996)
MULTIPLE PAIRS. Many of the patrons visiting Joyce McCaffery, an optician for Eye Art in Sarasota, Fla., are buying at least two pairs of sunglasses thanks to fashion and technology factors. Their choices generally include one pair to wear around town while shopping and running errands and another polarized pair for sports and outdoor activities. "What the shield has done for us is give our customers a good reason to buy two pairs of sunglasses: One for fashion and one for function." (January 2003)