Image courtesy of Shamir Insight
Making Workstation Eyewear Work
Presenting workstation eyewear can help your patients and your practice�the key to success is to have a working plan
By Karlen McLean, ABOC, NCLC
Lenses specifically designed for computer and office use�otherwise known as Near Vision Focus (NVF), occupational, or workstation lenses�are valuable for solving a variety of vision challenges in an office setting. These lenses blend vision for near or desktop work, for the computer or arm�s length work, and for mid-distance or around eight to 10 feet away.
This step-by-step plan will help you put together a workstation eyewear experience that your patients will never forget and will keep them coming back for more.
1. Use it personally
Everyone in the practice should wear and use workstation eyewear and speak on features and benefits from personal experience.
2. Talk About It
Lose your fear of recommending and selling second or third pairs of eyewear. Don�t watch out for your patient�s wallet; present the options clearly and let them make their own decision.
3. Get Excited
All staff members should be enthusiastic about and recommend workstation eyewear. Remember that a doctor's brief explanation and a written Rx for workstation eyewear is the most powerful recommendation.
4. Present Universally
Patients of any age can benefit from workstation eyewear. Kids, teens, college students, those in the workplace, and retirees are prime candidates for this eyewear.
Consider task-specific lens use, such as surgeons, carpenters, librarians, teachers, and hobbyists plus recreational use. Workstation eyewear can easily become the first choice for second pairs.
5. Involve CL Wearers
Diehard contact lens wearers are candidates for workplace eyewear. With an Rx just for office use, they can take their eyewear accessory on and off at will and use them as a work tool.
6. Promote Comfort
Use comfort as your key message. And remember that it's not just a correctly prescribed and fabricated lens that's important.
It's recommending a complete workstation lens package including scratch-resistance, UV protection, and AR, plus a flattering and well-fitting frame. Fit safety-specific lenses, polycarbonate or Trivex for eye safety and protection.
7. Strike while the iron is hot
Remember: if you're not paying attention, the marketplace will pass you by. Consumers are becoming more aware of vision problems in the workplace everyday, and most work in office environments. They will find a solution. Be that solution. EB
Having an understanding of the applications of NVF lenses and the ability to present these features and benefits can be key to success in that portion of the market. Images courtesy of Rodenstock (l) and Hoya
Your Marketing Plan:
Charting a successful year
This one-year marketing plan will get your practice focused and profitable with workstation eyewear and keep it that way if you keep it up!
Month 1: Contact lens manufacturers and meet with local
representatives to learn details about NVF lenses and make product decisions.
Month 2: Devote sections of your practice to workstation eyewear. Include every area in your set-up.
Month 3: Make sure the entire staff is fully educated on the workstation products you'll be carrying. Set up a sale tracking system and a commission or rewards program for staff.
Month 4: Use the computer, telephone, and mail to get word out to your patients. Make sure that your practice website features mention on the home page about your workplace eyewear specialty, and be sure business cards have the message as well.
Month 5: Discuss workstation eyewear with each person that walks through your door. You may want to offer an introductory percentage off or dollar off incentive.
Month 6: Plan and hold your first style show devoted to workstation eyewear with your rep's help. Send invitations to local businesses including restaurants, hairstylists, and medical offices, as well as business parks, office buildings, and current patients. If you have more than one location, stagger style shows every two weeks.
Month 7: Take a breather. Look hard at results so far. Meet with staff to grow confidence by reviewing results, addressing questions and problems, and getting updated education.
Month 8: Tap a spokesperson for workstation eyewear. Formulate a script so they can speak at local clubs and organizations and so they can make proposals to area businesses.
Month 9: Change your workstation eyewear image slightly to keep it fresh, such as focusing more on computer eyewear. Update your P.O.P. to reflect this tweak, and consider running a sale.
Month 10: Price different media for your next workstation eyewear blitz in print, on the radio, or television. Decide on which media you'll use�or a combination of both�and set it up. Update your phone book ad to include your workstation eyewear specialty.
Month 11: Review the workstation spokesperson's results and assess approaches in order to visit more targets.
Month 12: Look at the numbers: pairs of workstation eyewear sold in a year, examination increases, increased referrals, and increased presence in your community and marketplace. Celebrate!
At the start of the next yearly cycle, repeat months one through 12 to keep your workstation eyewear program
growing and successful.
Other Options
A few patients may not be candidates for NVF lenses due to personal preference, vision conditions, or adaptation factors. These might include presbyopes who prefer their flattop
multifocals and can't or won't switch from a lined modality. Here are some alternative workstation lens solutions:
1 Single vision lenses that are measured, prescribed, and fit for a specific distance, and application that is typically for computer-only use.
2D35 bifocals prescribed for intermediate vision in the top and near vision in the segment, with the near vision seg measured slightly lower in many cases for comfortable intermediate viewing.
3The 7x35 or 8x35 trifocals offer wide intermediate and near vision segments and can be custom-measured with the segs higher for primary intermediate and near viewing with a smaller area for distance viewing.
4X-Cel/Walman Optical's Acclaim 61 trifocal in 8x34, 10x35 or 12x35 offers 60 to 70 percent usage in the intermediate viewing area.
5Progressive addition lenses (PALs) with a wider intermediate corridor and some designed for smaller frames may be good everyday choices, but some may not offer comfortable long-term daily workstation use. Detail patients� needs before automatically prescribing a standard PAL.
6Remember that a workstation may be outside a typical office setting, like a trailer on a construction job site or a landscaper's greenhouse. Recommend high-impact safety lenses and frames for patients who'll be wearing their workstation eyewear in heavy-duty work situations.