marketing matters
Build a Swipe File
by Janet Attard
If you're not an advertising copywriter—and what eyecare professional is—you're probably wondering just what a swipe file is, and why you need one. You may be wondering whether something referred to as a "swipe" is even legal.
It's not only legal, it can also be a great help. A swipe file is a term copywriters use to describe the file or group of file folders in which they store copies of good copywriting and marketing materials that other writers have produced.
What they are "swiping" are good marketing or copywriting concepts that went into creating the sales letters, brochures, web copy, or other marketing materials in the file. These copies are used as idea generators.
What they don't do, because it is illegal, is copy the actual text or graphics. That kind of swiping, including reproducing text or graphics, is a violation of copyright laws.
You don't have to be a professional copywriter to benefit from a swipe file. In fact, every business that produces marketing materials can benefit from a swipe file.
In it, you can place any samples of brochures, sales letters, envelopes, product sheets, or other materials that catch your eye and look or sound appealing.
When you are ready to produce your own marketing materials, just turn to your swipe file or files.
Clipping and saving samples serves two purposes:
First, it can help you with ideas for what to say.
Second, you can build on materials you liked the look of to create your own eye-popping pieces.
Even if you're hiring designers or writers, giving them copies of some pieces that appeal to you will help them understand what style of graphics and what kind of writing you're looking for. That can save time and money on redesigning and rewriting. EB
Setting Up Swipe Files |
Instead of just one file, it's a good idea to create several different ones—one for each form of marketing and/or advertising you do. For example, one for newsletters, another for print ads, etc. You can divide them even further, with one set for copy/content ideas and another for design and graphic concepts that grab you. |

Janet Attard is the president of Attard Communications and the founder of Business Know-How.