Continuing Education
Understanding Perfas
The new Perfas Internal Free-Form™ progressive addition lens offers eyecare professionals many options for meeting each patient's unique visual and lifestyle needs. Primary features and benefits include patented 100 percent back surface technology produced by the latest in free-form digital surfacing techniques; custom-made PALs; and three advanced offerings with multiple designs and in numerous materials and coating options.
Understanding this unique back surface technology and how to fit and dispense Perfas PALs will allow you to offer a premium new product that provides finely tuned visual performance to your presbyopic patients. This in turn enhances your professional skills and expands practice profits.
Perfas lenses are fundamentally different from conventional PALs. Digital surface/free-form processing makes it possible to custom-manufacture these PALs to not only the patient's exact prescription, but also to their specific visual lifestyle requirements. Perfas PALs are available in three versions: Prime, Premier, and Prestige. Each is comprised of three distinctive designs to maximize visual benefits to different lifestyle groups.
Conventional back surface: Conventional PALs use premolded, front surface, add power base curves that are designed to fit a wide Rx range. This means that only a few patients in the center of the range receive a totally accurate Rx.
Conventional PAL designs have, strictly speaking, only one optically precise Rx per base curve and add power combination since the lenses are pre-molded.

Perfas surface: Perfas PALs are custom made without using pre-molded, front surface, add power base curves. Patented 100 percent back surface technology three-dimensionally fuses the patient's entire Rx into one Rx-specific point file and onto the back surface of the lens. The complex, integrated design process controls off-center power error and unwanted astigmatism. Because the Rx is entirely on the back surface, the Rx is customized with aspheric compensation for each visual area (sphere, cylinder, axis, add, and prism) based on the patient's complete Rx.
Perfas PALs have billions of exact Rx combinations, considering each sphere, cylinder, axis, add power, and prism since the lenses are totally customized.
Conventional catches: Conventional PALs are designed for a wide range of Rxs. This means the outer curve of the lens is only representative for that range, not optimized for each Rx. Add or base-specific designs address only issues in a specific visual field. A complex surface is not possible on the back surface of a conventional PAL; only spherical or aspheric surfaces are available on the back.
Back surface benefits: By placing 100 percent of the Rx on the back surface, the front surface of Perfas is a perfect sphere, eliminating the front surface distortion that results from the existence of a pre-molded add-power. Front surface distortion caused by significant changes in front surface curvature and optical magnification among visual zones causes swim and sway, primary reasons for PAL nonadapts. Back surface design brings all the essential Rx elements closer to the eye.
Perfas' back surface design expands all visual fields up to 35 percent when compared to conventional PALs. The effect is similar to looking through the keyhole of an old door: as your eye gets closer to the hole, more of the room is visible. Because each lens is Rx-specific through each viewing zone, accommodation is virtually automatic.
Perfas Premier PAL designs incorporate measured power in the intermediate and near zones. Measured power, based on Pentax Retina Forward Design®, is a unique technology that adjusts the surface power of the lens for optimum performance in the as-worn position.
Measured power in Perfas Premier optimizes the optical performance by reducing astigmatism and power error caused by variations in pantoscopic tilt and vertex distance due to eye rotation as the eye moves through different visual fields. Perfas Prestige designs have measured power in all three visual areas. Perfas Prestige also features an automatic variable inset for the reading area that ensures the widest reading area possible by compensating for distance prescription and corridor length.
Moving the progressive surface from front to back offers:
1. Less distortion by reducing the magnification differences between visual areas present in conventional PALs.
2. Expanded visual fields.
3. Design beyond the limits of external PALs.

Perfas PALs (right) offer wider fields of clear vision near, far, and in between
Advertising Know-How |
Brand advertising is a useful tool to grow practice profits. Consider these advertising fundamentals to get out the right messages and keep the public's interest and buy-in. 1. Set a goal. Starting with last year's sales figures for a particular month, use your judgment of this year's retail picture to approximate sales goals for that month. 2. Decide on a budget. Determine the percent of annual sales you want to invest in advertising by multiplying this percentage by last year's sales or this year's sales forecast. Divide your budget into quarterly or monthly periods based on sales history. Devote more of your advertising budget to higher sales periods—for example, the back-to-school months. 3. Tap into sources. Local optical trade associations may be able to help you determine an advertising average percentage. To assist in allocating advertising funds efficiently, contact representatives of various local advertising media including newspapers, magazines, cable TV, radio, billboards, and direct mail. Choose only the media that's affordable within your established quarterly or monthly budget. 4. Pick promotables. Review your practice's product categories and the percentage of the month's total sales that each category can be forecasted to contribute. Be flexible, letting experience guide your determination of the amount you'll invest in each category. Be sure to check the month's heavy traffic items, consult seasonal sales charts, and utilize co-op support. 5. Set scheduling. Develop and set an advertising schedule by researching, recording, and acting on practicalities. Some opportunities include scheduling advertising around payroll days of important community businesses, scheduling ads to coincide with heavy store traffic days, tying advertising into merchandising events, and supporting all major holidays with advertising. Bonus points: Research, review, and apply co-op advertising and the leveraging of buying groups to get the most out of your lens manufacturer-to-eyecare-practitioner relationship. Co-op advertising can help your practice fulfill advertising goals not only financially—such as applying your net purchases to pay up to a set amount of advertising fee costs—but also to provide hands-on help like ad slicks, scripts, and solutions to FAQs. Work with your laboratory and lens vendor to work out the best plan for your practice. |
Learning Outcomes |
At the conclusion of this credit education course, participants should be able to: 1. Define the differences between conventional PAL designs and Perfas patented 100 percent back surface PAL design. 2. Understand and articulate the features and benefits of Perfas PALs.. 3. Match Perfas PAL Rx requirements with appropriate lens design options to answer patient lifestyle visual needs. 4. Develop the basis for an ongoing, successful lens brand advertising lens program. Test procedures: Following the article is a test consisting of 15 questions. To receive ABO continuing education credit, respondents must correctly answer at least 12 of the 15 test questions. Use the attached form between pages 4 and 5 for your responses (you may photocopy the blank form for multiple respondents). Eyecare Business must receive answer card forms no later than June 30, 2008. Note: Some states do not accept home study courses for continuing education credit. Check with the licensing board in your state to see if this course qualifies. |
Fitting and Dispensing Pointers |
Perfas PAL performance depends on proper fitting and dispensing techniques. FRAME FITTING 1. Select a well-proportioned frame with adjustable nose pads. 2. Pupil should be centered or slightly above the horizontal center of the frame. 3. Avoid oversized frames. 4. Pantoscopic tilt should be approximately 10mm. 5. Patient should wear the frame for a few minutes to adjust. LENS MEASUREMENTS 1. With the patient looking straight ahead, and the dispenser's eyes on the same plane as the patient's, dot the sample lens at the center of each pupil. 2. Draw a horizontal line through dots. 3. Double-check to make sure the lines bisect the pupils. 4. Take accurate monocular pupillary distance measurements using a pupilometer. 5. Place the frame on the fitting guide scale so the vertical line labeled "0" divides the bridge in half, and the dots and lines on the sample lenses line up on the horizontal scale line. Confirm the pupillary distance using the scale. Double-check to make sure you are using the correct scale: Perfas Prime, Perfas Premier or Perfas Prestige. 7. Measure the fitting height from the lines on the sample lens to the deepest part of the frame. 8. For the best results, do not fit below minimum fitting heights. 9. Place frame over the cutout circle on the fitting guide. Align the pupil dot and horizontal line on the sample lens with the fitting cross. If the frame does not fit within the circle, the lens may not cut out correctly. Select another frame. VERIFICATION AND DISPENSING 1. Processed lenses should have verification stickers or ink markings. If not, use diagrams for the location of engraved markings and to redraw the verification markings. 2. Place the eyewear on the fitting guide scale so that the vertical line labeled "0" divides the bridge in half (use chevrons for alignment) and the fitting cross on the lenses rests on the horizontal line. 3. Place the eyewear on the patient and verify that the fitting cross is at the pupil center, adjusting nose pads if necessary. 4. Instruct the patient on the proper use of distance, intermediate, and near zones. With Perfas Internal Free-Form lenses, the patient will move his or her head in a natural way. Different from conventional progressives, Perfas doesn't require patients to point the nose or chin to bring an item into focus. 5. Present a lens cleaning kit including a cleaning cloth and appropriate liquid cleaner. For AR lenses, use only ARapproved cleaners. Instruct and demonstrate how to appropriately clean lenses and care for eyewear to new patients and as a review for previous patients. |
Perfas PALs come in three lifestyle-based good-better-best offerings: Prime, Premier, and Prestige. Perfas Prime is designed for first-time PAL wearers; Perfas Premier offers special features for seasoned PAL wearers and those with optically-demanding near vision occupations; and Perfas Prestige is for all patients, and particularly those with difficult prescriptions including high sphere, cylinder, prism and/or high add powers.
Perfas Prime is designed primarily for first-time PAL wearers, patients who have had difficulty adapting to conventional PALs or for those who require low to medium add power (up to +2.50D).
The lens' soft design works well for general everyday activities and both indoor and outdoor lifestyles. Single-vision lens wearers taking the plunge into presbyopia are prime candidates, as their wearing experience in this super soft design should closely resemble wearing single-vision lenses.
Back surface design eliminates front curve distortion, with balanced, stable control of off-center astigmatism and power error. Wide clear zones for reading, intermediate, and distance vision help users adapt quickly and easily. Perfas Prime PALs work best when fit in standard or large-sized frames.
Perfas Premier, a more advanced back surface design, has appealing features for seasoned PAL wearers and those with optically demanding near vision occupations or leisure activities. This lens performs well for those who use their lenses mostly for reading or computer use, and now require medium to high add powers of over +2.50D. Based on Pentax's patented Retina Forward Design, measured power is incorporated in the reading and intermediate zones. This technology adjusts the surface power of the lens for optimum performance in the as-worn position, and optimizes optical performance further by reducing astigmatism and power error caused by variations in pantoscopic tilt and vertex distance caused by eye rotation.
Visual fields are expanded up to 30 percent over conventional PALs. Perfas Premier lenses work well when using small frames.
Perfas Prestige offers outstanding designs for all progressive lens wearers, especially those with challenging prescriptions. Measured power (see drawing) is applied throughout the entire lens for total control of off-center astigmatism and power error, resulting in accurate power throughout expanded visual zones.

Measured power is used in Perfas Premier and Prestige for total control of off-center astigmatism and power error
Aspheric power control along the lens corridor compensates for vertex distance changes and visual axis, or rotation as the eye focuses from near to distance. Gradient cylinder control within the corridor helps improve intermediate vision. Visual fields are up to 35 percent wider than conventional PAL designs. Prestige features an automatic variable reading inset varies from 2.0 to 3.3mm depending on corridor length and distance Rx.
Complete the customization of Perfas lenses to patients' needs by recommending lens materials and features to fit individual lifestyles. Perfas Prime PALs come in high index, polycarbonate, polarized, and Transitions photochromic lenses. The lenses also feature Surpass ECP Super Hydro AR coating. There are three designs which have different corridor lengths, 12, 14, and 16mm, with a recommended minimum fitting height of 16mm. Perfas Prime performs best in frames with a vertical B measurement of over 28mm.
Bifocals versus PALs: Patient Pointers |
When discussing presbyopic vision and conventional PALs, try these explanations: Eyes change as we age, typically making it difficult to see up close. Some examples of presbyopia include trouble reading fine print on restaurant menus, sports programs, books, maps, and medicine bottles. Is it also difficult to see the computer monitor clearly? Are you squinting to read and/or repositioning your head, hands or body to get a clear close-up view? In the past, bifocals, trifocals, or no-line multifocal lenses, also known as progressive addition lenses, were the only options. Drawbacks to these lenses include sharp jumps in image size with bi- and trifocals and unsettling distortion (swim and sway) and narrow and difficult to use visual zones (narrow corridor and blurred peripheral vision) with conventional PALs. Swim and sway visual distortion is common with conventional PALs as a result of traditional PAL lens design, which splits the prescription power between the front and back surfaces of the lens. Perfas is the latest development in PAL technology: a custom-made PAL with a back surface design that results in an unmatched visual experience. Perfas technology three-dimensionally fuses your entire Rx onto the back surface of a lens. By placing all of your Rx on the back surface of the lens and closer to your eye, the visual zones are much wider. The effect is similar to looking through a keyhole. The closer your eye gets to the keyhole, the more you can see. With conventional bifocal and PAL designs, it's up to you to re-learn how to look at the world. You have to point your nose or chin at the object you want to view to bring it into focus. Perfas PALs let you move your head in a natural way to see clearly at all distances. Regular PALs use pre-molded curves that are designed to fit a wide range of prescriptions. This means that for any particular curve, only those who fit in the center of the range will have an accurate prescription. Perfas lenses are custom-made without the use of pre-molded front curves. These PALs give you expanded, stable fields of vision without annoying distortion that can interfere with daily activities. Perfas PALs offer wider areas of clear vision, elimination of front surface distortion, and outstanding optical performance. Tagalongs: Perfas PALs are designed to fit nearly all frame styles, so frame selection isn't limited. Perfas PALs are available in a variety of lens materials, including thin and light and impact resistant for added safety. Perfas lenses are durable, scratchresistant, and UV-protective. They're available in polarized lenses for glare protection outdoors and during driving activities and with AR for shaper vision indoors and elimination of reflections while driving at night. |

Improving a keyhole view
Perfas Premier PALs are available in the same variety of materials and coating options as Perfas Prime. Available in three designs with varying corridor lengths, 10, 12, and 14mm, they have a recommended minimum fitting height of 14mm. These lenses perform well in small frames with a vertical B measurement under 28mm.
Perfas Prime and Premier PALs come in 1.50, poly, 1.60, and 1.67 lens materials. 1.50, poly, and 1.67 are available in Transitions gray and brown photochromic technology, and 1.50 and 1.67 are available in true gray and brown polarized sunlenses, with poly polarized lenses available in the second quarter of 2008. Surpass ECP Super Hydro AR coating, if desired, can be ordered with these lens options.
Perfas Prestige PALs are only available in thin and light 1.67 high index material. There are three corridor length designs, 10, 12, and 14mm, with a recommended minimum fitting height of 14mm. All Prestige lenses come with Surpass ECP Super Hydro AR coating, featuring an index-matched hard coat to help eliminate rainbow reflections (fringe interference) on the lens' surface.