Hot List
According to Accenture’s Annual Holiday Shopping Survey, U.S. shoppers plan to spend more this holiday season than last, supported by optimism about personal finances.
1 in 4 plans to spend more on gifts than last year
$718 is the average amount
96% said discounts will be important to their buying decisions
28% said they have more discretionary income
22% said they have greater job security
WEB GROWTH forecasted online sales in November and December will grow between 8% to 11% over last holiday season to as much as $105 billion. The site forecasts sales based on government data including consumer credit, disposable personal income, and previous monthly retail sales releases. Holiday non-store sales in 2013 grew 8.6%.
20 to 40% of yearly sales for small and mid-sized retailers take place within the last two months of the year.
(source: National Retail Federation)
49% of marketers began their holiday marketing campaign before Halloween
(Source: Experian)
A recent survey by e-commerce platform MarketLive asked smartphone users who spend at least $250 annually in online purchases:
Have you made a purchase as a result of an engagement with a social networking site in the past 12 months?
Work stress costs businesses $300 billion per year in absenteeism, according to the World Health Organization. And no time is more stressful than retail during the holidays. How can you help?
✔ Allow flexible hours for personal holiday errands
✔ Organize a contest for employees. It could be about specific sales goals…or something more on the silly side.
✔ Invite local retailers into your office for a holiday fair (employees get their shopping done, creates a sense of community, helps local businesses)
✔ Throw a party…even if it’s just for two hours after your business hours end
✔ Organize an employee bonus day in which all employees get a split of the day’s retail take
(Source: American Express’ Open Forum)
Former CooperVision, Inc., president John Weber has accepted the position of Vision-Ease Lens’ new chief executive officer. Vision-Ease’s former CEO and president Doug Hepper will transition to the role of executive chairman after more than 12 years of successful leadership at the company.
Weber joins Vision-Ease Lens after serving for six years as president of global contact lens company CooperVision, a business unit of Cooper Companies, where he led all aspects of the organization, including acquisitions and business development. Prior to assuming that role he was president of CooperVision Asia Pacific and served as executive vice president of worldwide operations for contact lens manufacturer Ocular Sciences.
A graduate of the University of Minnesota with a degree in economics, Weber also holds an MBA from St. Mary’s College in Moraga, CA, and was a captain in the U.S. Army.
“Over the past 12 years, Doug made Vision-Ease Lens a success story in the optical market, guiding the company to a position of growth and leadership,” Weber says. “I look forward to partnering my global business development and acquisitions experience with the expertise of Vision-Ease Lens’ existing management team to broaden the company’s services and product offerings, as well as expand into new markets.”
Vision-Ease Lens was acquired by the private equity investment firm Wind Point Partners in September.

The Satisloh Group announces the appointment of Larry Clarke as president and chief operating officer of Satisloh AG. Satisloh is one of the leading machine manufacturers when it comes to complete solutions for ophthalmic and precision optics manufacturing.
In his new role, Clarke will be responsible for the distribution of Satisloh equipment worldwide, as well as research/development and production. He reports to Norbert Gorny, president and CEO Satisloh Group, and will relocate to Baar, Switzerland.
Clarke will continue as Satisloh North America’s president until further notice.
He started in the equipment business in 1999 by establishing the first wholly owned U.S. subsidiary for Satis Vacuum. When LOH Optical Machinery and Satis Vacuum merged in 2005, he was named president of the newly formed Satisloh North America, located in Wisconsin.

The 2015 State Leadership Conference hosted by the Opticians Association of America (OAA) will be held Feb. 5-7 at the Monte Carlo Resort and Casino in Las Vegas. Registration is now open, with forms available at the website.
This event is the OAA’s premier networking opportunity for the opticianry industry, providing leaders from all over North America time for direct, personal contact with industry leaders, giving those leaders the opportunity to ask meaningful questions, view and discuss the issues facing the industry, and strengthen their professional relationships.
Each year, the conference offers useful educational seminars and topic-specific breakout sessions that address subjects from growing membership numbers and legislative affairs to communication synergy and leadership skills. In addition to learning from presenters, the attendees immerse themselves in networking events to help build better synergy throughout North America. These interactive social functions are designed to help create a strong grassroots network within the industry, so that the attendees will continue to communicate and share ideas with one another long after the close of the conference.
The cut-off date for the reduced hotel rate is Jan. 13. For hotel reservations, call 800-311-8999 and use group code X STATE 15, or visit the OAA website.

Costa hosted the optical press for a day of sunwear immersion as representatives gave tours, talked sun lens technology, and shared stories of the company’s mission. Left (l to r): PR rep Liza Jones, Rx manager Ed Sowers, and director of Rx sales Renato Cappuccitti. Right (l to r): designer Aaron Markovitz and vice president of product development Ed Moody discuss trends and technology.
Alcon has announced its support for the Think About Your Eyes (TAYE) awareness campaign by becoming a leadership partner. As such, the company will work closely with the campaign to provide insights and educational informational to the public about a number of eyecare topics.
The national campaign, presented by The Vision Council and the American Optometric Association (AOA), is designed to educate the public on the benefits of vision health and promote the importance of getting an annual comprehensive campaign. Since its launch, eye exams have increased 4.5%, leading to an additional 5.2 million annual exams and the diagnosis of more than 525,000 previously undiagnosed eye diseases.
Reader Feedback
Regarding the August article, “What’s in Your Back Pocket?”, don’t you need a diagnosis code in order to bill for services?
— Ruthanne Tomko, optician
A: Yes, you will always need a diagnosis code to bill for any services. Patients cannot be seen in this fashion for new problems or issues, only established and documented problems can be addressed during performance of an incident-to service billed in this way. A 99211 service billed by ancillary staff is a service billed incident-to a designated treatment plan already in place and documented for the patient. Any patient coming in will need to have a reason for doing so and this reason should be in the active problems listing for the patient.
Be sure you are following the billing guidelines indicated for this service as listed; “the presenting problem must be documented” to show the reason for the service and this diagnosis will be the primary on the claim.
— Krystin Keller, Cleinman Performance Partners
Send your comments to
Held in early November, the 22nd Hong Kong Optical Fair attracted a record number of buyers. Over 14,000 buyers from 99 countries and regions took part in the three-day fair, which is co-organized by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) and the Hong Kong Optical Manufacturers Association.
Among first-time exhibitors was Rochester Optical, which featured Smart Frames for Epson Moverio, Google Glass, and VUZIX M100. “We established contacts with many potential partners,” said Rochester Optical president Patrick Ho. “This was a really exciting fair. We will definitely come back.”
In addition to pavilions from the Chinese mainland, France, Italy, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan, there were also dedicated product zones in a number of categories. The 12th annual Hong Kong Optometric Conference was held in conjunction with the fair.

1. Eyecare Business’ Steph De Long talks market trends; 2. Attendees flock to the Italian Pavilion; 3. Rochester Optical’s Patrick Ho, left, and Tim Moore; 4. Manufacturing execs share a toast
On the Town
A who, where, and when of the industry’s latest events
New York Eye was a sponsor of the 4th annual Driven to Give event that benefits the Dale Jr. Foundation (TDJR). New York Eye is the licensee for the Dale Jr. Eyewear Collection. This year’s event took place in October in Charlotte, N.C., and capped a yearlong fundraising initiative for TDJF. Over $750,000 will be raised during 2014. The charity is dedicated to giving underprivileged individuals, especially youths, the resources to improve their confidence and education, and the opportunity to achieve their goals. The foundation supports more than 300 charities nationally and locally, including Make-A-Wish Foundation, Speedway Children’s Charities, Ace and TJ’s GRIN Kids, Barium Springs Home for Children, VH-1 Save the Music Foundation, Blessings in a Backpack, Mooresville Soup Kitchen, and more.

Dale Earnhardt, Jr., (l) and New York Eye’s Arthur Jankolovitz are Driven to Give
Luxottica’s Persol launched its Icons Collection with a screening of Stephane Sednaou’s short film, “Clues,” at an event in New York featuring music by Brendan Fallis. The Icon Collection is a capsule including Persol 649 and 714 as well as a fresh take on club master reinterpretation Cellor in celluloid and gold-tinted metal.

Filmmaker Stephane Sednaou in new Persol style Cellor
The Accessories Council’s annual ACE Awards was held recently at Cipriani in New York City, attracting celebrities, models, and the shining stars of the fashion accessories marketplace. Brands Alex and Ani, Bulgari, Kate Spade New York, Proenza Schouler, and Shinola were recognized for their achievements. Larry Leight and David Shulte were on hand to receive a Business Visionary Award for Oliver Peoples, while Google Glass was the recipient of the events’ first Fashion and Technology Award.

Marchon’s Steve Wright (l) and Mark Ginsberg with Google Glass lead designer Isabelle Olsson
Silhouette celebrated its 50th anniversary and invited 60 account executives from the U.S., in addition to representatives from all over the world, to tour the factory in Linz, Austria. After the tour, visitors were invited to Silhouette’s 50th Anniversary Celebration.

Silhouette account executives in Linz, Austria
Opti Munich, slated for Jan. 9 to 12 in Germany, starts off the year with new products and programs, as well as new exhibitors. A total of 58 new companies will make their first appearance at the show, including Victoria Beckham, Tom Rebl, RVS Eyewear, and Apro Spectacles.
The show will continue its Opti Box programs for start-ups, including premieres from: TYG Spectacles, David Marc, Clément Gouverneur, iHuman, Isla Calavera, Osogna, and HAPTER.
The show is also boosting its showing of German and international manufacturers of optical equipment, including newcomer to the show, Schneider GmbH.
Notes Dieter Dohr, chairman of the management board of the GHM Gesellschaft für Handwerksmessen mb, of the growth, “It is another mosaic piece to offer the optician the complete 360 degree range of ophthalmic optics in one place at the best time of the business year.”
Heavy Viewing
Recognize this? Probably not. This is a Diopto-Eikonometer from American Optical, circa 1949. It measured the magnification power of prescription lenses, as well as the “effectivity, prism power, oblique power errors, and distortion of the lenses to a high degree of accuracy,” according to a 1949 AO article about it. It is one of the many artifacts of The Optical Heritage Museum in Southbridge, MA, and is on loan to neighboring optical instrument company Optimum Technologies, where the 300-pound device is on display in the lobby.

A Day in the Life of The VSP Mobile Clinic
Whether traveling across the country for scheduled outreach events or responding to disasters, no two days aboard a VSP Mobile Eyes mobile eyecare unit are exactly alike.
With three state-of-the-art mobile clinics—SeeZar, SeeLia, and Eyenstein—the program offers comprehensive eye exams to those in need and is even able to produce eyewear on the spot. The clinics are equipped with a physician’s office, a dispensary, and an in-office finishing lab.
To be able to provide free eyecare services, the Mobile Eyes program has partnered with 40,000 VSP doctors throughout the country. “Without volunteer doctors, volunteer employees, and equipment and frame donations, this wouldn’t all be possible,” says Gilbert Melgoza, mobile clinics program manager for VSP Vision Care.

The SeeLia mobile clinic and its new wrap
Designer frames are donated by Marchon, and a Santinelli International edger allows lab techs to edge lenses on the spot. “We are able to make the lenses in 15 to 20 minutes and have had zero breakage issues,” he says.
Other partners include Nidek, Eye Designs, and Marco. Because new volunteers are recruited at each location, it’s been critical that all equipment is easy to learn and operate. “After just watching a couple pairs made with the edger, for example, the volunteers are able to easily take over and do it themselves,” explains Melgoza.
At a typical outreach event, a mobile unit is able to see an average of four patients per hour—a total of 32 to 40 patients per day. At such events, an individual with a Social Security number who is not enrolled in Medicaid or any other vision insurance qualifies for a comprehensive eye exam and free eyewear.
When responding to a disaster, any non-VSP member with a Social Security number whose glasses were damaged or lost qualifies. VSP members impacted by a disaster can call customer service and get their benefits reinstated.
Though a full year of stops is scheduled in advance, when disaster strikes, a mobile unit may need to be detoured. Following Hurricane Sandy, for example, around 300 to 400 people had already lined up and were waiting when the clinic rolled into Coney Island at 7 a.m.
“Some people we see may never have had a comprehensive exam,” explains Melgoza. “We don’t just do a screening. It’s a good feeling to be able to get out and support the community in a way that has an immediate impact.”
Since its inception in 2005, the program has helped more than 915,000 people in need to see better. Melgoza adds, “It has also contributed more than $167 million to help people live more rewarding lives.”
—Lindsey Getz
Forthcoming Changes in Optical
High-tech lens offerings continue to enter the marketplace and drive sales. Digitally fabricated lenses, advanced diagnostic tools, and computerized eyewear will continue to be important for competitive practices. See if you can find each of the terms in this puzzle that relates to the future of eyewear.
By Jenean Carlton, ABOC, NCLC

Competitive Pricing
Computer Driven
Contrast Enhancement
Digital Measuring Devices
Diverse Product Selection
Eyecare Evolution
Futuristic Eyewear
High Definition
Insurance Coverage
Medical Model Practices
Optical Retailers
Perceived Excellence
Performance Eyewear
Profit Margin
Smart Eyewear
Specialty Products
Voice Activated Eyewear
Wearable Electronics
The answers to the November 2014 Word Search

According to Eyecare Business research, ________ % of ECPs offer in-house lens brands.
a. 57%
b. 37%
c. 7%