Branding vs. Awareness
Awareness alone cannot build a powerful brand, and Scott Deming will tell you why in his courses and keynote address at VEW
studies show that a person does not even begin to move toward the purchasing decision unless emotion is involved. In fact, over 90 percent of every decision we make is based on emotion.
A customer cannot feel attached or committed to your brand and mission unless that customer is emotionally engaged with you, your colleagues, your leadership, and your brand values and philosophy.
It is critically important that you, as owner, manager, optician, or optometrist, create an emotional environment—one which every customer feels and relates to, and one to which every customer wants to belong.
Awareness is not branding. Awareness is just that…awareness. Just because we know about something, it doesn’t mean we desire it.
Just because people know about you, who you are, what you sell, and where you’re located doesn’t mean they want you. It means they know about you. Period.
Emotional branding and sustainable success do not come from awareness alone. They come from creating the ultimate customer experience.
What exactly is emotional branding? It is an emotional connection a person has with another person or with an entire organization based on a unique, relevant, emotional, and one-of-a-kind service and experience.
• PROFESSIONALLY…emotional branding boosts profits. It increases customer retention. It decreases customer acquisition costs. It turns typical customers into raving, loyal evangelists for life.
• PERSONALLY…emotional branding on a personal level opens new doors. It builds networks. It creates a level of satisfaction you cannot get anywhere else. It creates sustainable personal success on many levels.

90%...of every decision we make is based on emotion.
WHAT COMES FIRST? Service and culture or advertising and marketing?
THE ANSWER is that neither comes first. It’s not a dichotomy, as the question supposes, but rather a fusion. You cannot have one without the other.
IF you focus on advertising and marketing before creating a great culture and unique service, you will drive customers into flawed service. This is certain, instant death.
IF, however, you focus on the culture and service, but neglect to deliver the message, you will have no awareness and you will die a slow, painful death.
THE SOLUTION is to work on both at the same time and create a fusion of a powerful message and brand promise with a one-of-a-kind experience that over-delivers on that promise and shatters expectations.
Branding is a very misunderstood topic. In fact, it is probably one of the most misunderstood topics in all of business. Most people believe that a brand is a product, jingle, corporation, ad campaign, and other misconceived notions.
However, just as emotional branding is derived through powerful experiences, a truly powerful brand is a feeling. It’s an emotion. And, a “power brand” is one you get an immediate feeling for when you see or hear the name.
So, the question is: What is your brand? What do people think of when they see or hear your name or the name of your company or practice?
Your brand is unique and it is genuine. It needs to be your mission to be inspired, impassioned, and empowered to deliver on that brand promise each and every day.
— Scott Deming
Scott Deming will be leading the following three programs on Friday, Sept. 19, in Las Vegas. He’ll also be signing copies of his new book, “Powered by Purpose.”
To register, visit:
WHEN: 7:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., course 30B0
WHAT: Powered by Purpose: How To Create a Values and Purpose Driven Organization
In this keynote, based on his book, “The Power of Purpose,” Deming will show how to create a purposeful and sustainably successful organization. Understanding your values and letting those values guide you to your purpose is the real formula for success. He will use several case studies such as Tom’s Shoes and Patagonia to prove it.
WHEN: 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., course 31B3
WHAT: CXO: Chief eXperience Officer Certificate Program
Designate and empower a CXO in your practice to drive and implement extraordinary customer service. Differentiate your business and increase patient satisfaction, loyalty, and profits! Successfully complete this four-hour program and earn a CXO certificate.
WHEN: 5-6 p.m., course 34B2
WHAT: Seeing Your Business Through Your Customers’ Eyes
You know what you do and what you sell, but does everyone in your organization have the same understanding? More important, do your customers truly understand what you do and how you do it?
Discover how to see your business through your customers’ eyes and how to provide the level of service they crave—not just what you think they want.