Seeing Green
The month of March is about beads, beer, and the bottom line

It’s March. For some people, that means green beer and St. Paddy’s Day or green beads and Mardi Gras. At Eyecare Business it means Vision Expo East and New York City. And, for those of you joining us there, we’re sure that trip will translate into a different kind of green…increased revenue and a better bottom line.
WIN-WIN. We’re really fortunate to be involved in some of the show’s hottest continuing education programs, all of which are designed to boost your business.
To us, that’s a big part of what Expo is all about—add together great education, excellent exhibits, new products, and networking with peers, and you have a win-win. Or, if you’re counting all the superlatives in that last sentence, it’s actually a win x 4.
STRATEGY & SERVICE. Last month, I talked about The Frame Buyer Certificate Program, of which we are clearly very passionate co-sponsors. But here are two other programs we’re involved with because, like The Frame Buyer courses, we believe they, too, provide tremendous value to you and your practice.
• CXO: The four-hour Chief eXperience Officer Certificate program, conducted by nationally renowned customer service expert Scott Deming, is slated for Saturday, March 29, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
• VISIONOMICS: A total of 18 hours of ABO- and COPE-approved classes are dedicated to building revenue and securing the fiscal health of your business.
For more info on all these educational opportunities, as well as other events at the show, visit visionexpoeast.com.
Hope to see you in New York,

Stephanie K. De Long
Editorial Director
P.S. If you’re looking for a new niche—and who isn’t—join me and three opticians for “Creating a Niche” on Friday, March 28, at 5 p.m. Sponsored by The Low Vision Division of The Vision Council, it will offer firsthand experiences and practical strategies for growing this area of business.
Last year was all about showrooming—checking stores for prices to buy for less online.
A new trend, webrooming, is about consumers checking online before buying in-store, and it’s on the rise.
In fact, during this past holiday season:
• 46%...of consumers said they showroomed
• 69%...reported they webroomed
Source: harrisinteractive.com
According to the recent Accenture Seamless Retail Study, it’s about making the experience easier. So far, brick and mortar is winning:
• 94%...in-store shopping in easiest
• 74%...online shopping is easy enough
• 26%...mobile phone shopping is easy, too
Source: accenture.com
Whatever you do, don’t follow the lead of an Australian store that posted this sign:
• $5…“As of the first of February, this store will be charging a $5 fee for ‘just looking.’ The fee will be deducted when goods are purchased.”
Source: dailyfinance.com