It’s September, which in our world in synonymous with Vision Expo West. And, I hope it is in yours, too.
There are so many great ways to enrich your experiences at the show, and we’re lucky enough to be involved in many of them as a partner and media sponsor—including the Frame Buyer Certificate Program and Visionomics. Each will be offering 17 hours of education in Vegas.
All about building business, the Visionomics courses focus on assessing and maximizing practice profitability. Here are a couple tidbits speakers on the upcoming Visionomics schedule shared with Eyecare Business:
• MAXIMIZE RECALL. More than half of your patients don’t respond to recall. What to do? Attend “Recall the Hidden Cost of Growth” to find out.
• STRATEGIZE SOCIAL MEDIA. 78% of consumers trust peer recommendations, but only 14% of them trust consumer advertising. Learn how to grow your online reputation by attending “Secrets to Generating New Patients Online.”
Expo is all about making connections and expanding your horizons. We’re expanding ours—and yours as well—in this issue of EB with our first-ever augmented reality ad. What is it? Turn to the Silhoutte ad on p. 43, download the app, point your smartphone, and you’ll find out. Enjoy the ride, and look for more opportunities to augment your reality with us in coming months.
All of us at EB will be in Vegas, and we look forward to seeing you there. Happy travels.
Scott Deming, a customer service guru, is presenting three top-notch programs in Vegas on Fri., Sept. 19, and we’re pleased to partner in them. He’ll be giving the VEW keynote address, “Powered by Purpose,” from 7 to 8 a.m., followed by the Chief eXperience Officer Certificate program from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. And, from 1 to 2 p.m., we’ll be hosting Deming at the Eyecare Business/PentaVision Media booth (7113), where you’ll have a chance to chat with him in person and also get a free autographed copy of his new book, “Powered by Purpose.” Join Deming, and us, on Friday, for a series of great programs.

Meet the author and get a copy of his new book at the EB booth

Stephanie K. De Long
Editorial Director
P.S. While CE is one of the big reasons many of you say you attend Vision Expo West, we’re happy to be offering you a written CE course in this issue of EB. Sponsored by Transitions Optical, the course starts on p. 134, and the test is a crossword puzzle. Fun and free credit…that’s a pairing you can’t pass up.