Superlative Social Posts
What works best for ECPs in the socialsphere? To find out, we asked three who are highly tuned in to social media what works best for their optical business—and to share their top Instagram post from the last month.

Spectacles of Great Neck in Great Neck, NY
Erica Meltzer, social media manager
Instagram: @spectaclesgn (1,621 followers)
Works Best: Composing photos in-house with clever or beautiful scenes that reveal trends and connect with our myriad customer groups.
Top Post: A post that featured new sunwear with colorful fall leaves.

Kirkwood Eye Associates in Kirkwood, MO
Lauren Biondo, social media manager
Instagram: @kirkwoodeye (1,453 followers)
Works Best: Posts that find ways to connect with existing patients and attract new ones.
Top Post: A post that celebrated the first day of fall (with lots of relevant hashtags) and was geo-tagged with a popular nearby area that was hosting autumn events.

Spectacle in Boston
Paul Fox, RDO, owner/optician
Instagram: @spectacle.eyeware (1,214 followers)
Works Best: Photos of customers feeling good (in our shop) in their new eyewear.
Top Post: A post featuring customers in new eyewear with a guitar.
—Susan Tarrant