Are You Feeling Blue?

immersed in this issue, which is focused on the high-tech lens arena, I have become even more aware of the nuances—and harmful effects—of blue light emitted from everything from smartphones, tablets, and computers to LED and CFL lighting, not to mention the sun itself.
I find myself now pushing my six-year-old-daughter’s iPad back a few inches from her face when she watches a show on it. While she rarely plays with apps and games on her tablet, when she does, a virtual timer starts running in my head, aiming to limit her exposure.
It’s true that millennials are a generation greatly at risk for digital eye strain and the future effects of blue light exposure, including macular degeneration and cataracts. In fact, 67% of people in their 30s spend a whopping five or more hours a day on digital devices, according the The Vision Council’s new 2016 Digital Eye Strain Report.
But children are arguably the generation most at risk, with developing eyes and a lifetime of exposure in front of digital devices.
“It’s just a matter of short time before a parent comes forward with their child and loss of vision,” Sophia W. Barnes, O.D., tells Eyecare Business in this issue.
Is your practice working to help patients preserve their sight through education and product solutions to help limit their exposure?
In this issue, we deliver in-depth details on blue light and digital eye strain, including a guide to the high-tech lens products that can help your patients and your business—plus a wealth of successful ECP-tested strategies for dispensing them.
For an enhanced view and additional information, most of these digitally minded products will also be on display at Vision Expo East (VEE), held April 14-17 in the heart of New York City. VEE is a perfect place to learn more about the nuances of blue light (i.e., some blue light is actually essential to our health) and digital eye strain—and registration for the show is now open. For information, visit visionexpoeast.com. We hope to catch you there.
New research on the effects of blue light and digital eye strain is also on the horizon, so stay tuned—because things are about to heat up even more on this already much-talked-about topic.

EB Turns 30 in 2016! Here, one of our vintage covers circa 1995.
Best Regards,

Erinn Morgan
Editor-in-Chief + Editorial Director
Eyecare Business