Millennial Madness

gen Y may well be the most publicized, most-talked-about, and most-fawned-over generation in history. But the fact of the matter is that millennials matter.
Curious if they will really impact your business? Consider this: The largest generation in history, Gen Yers are about to move into their prime spending years—they are poised to reshape the economy.
Born between 1980 and 2000, millennials are 92 million members strong. But bringing them into your business is a unique proposition, as their shopping and buying habits are VERY different from all generations before them.
“They represent the greatest lifetime value of consumer, with the least established loyalty. This group is very hot right now. They’re up for grabs.”
—Jason Dorsey, CEO of the Center for Generational Kinetics, tells Eyecare Business in this issue.
In this issue, we boil down the big facts about Gen Y to deliver five key intel bites that will help you earn their business—and their loyalty. One teaser: Did you know that you’ll reach Gen Y more effectively with a visual message versus text?
Starting on page 66, we also debut our first-ever, highly exclusive Eyecare Business Millennials + ECPs Market Study results. These juicy stats reveal just how your peers feel about—and are specifically approaching—the millennial patient/customer base.
One revealing nugget: A full 79% of eyecare professionals say that the millennial market is either “Very Important” or “Important” to their business.
How critical is Generation Y to your business’ future?
But wait—this issue isn’t ALL about millennials—there is so much more! From our editorial team’s 10 most-loved (and most impactful) trends spotted at Vision Expo East to an ultra-cool skin-tone-and-eye-color fitting guide plus how to excel at trunk shows with hashtags and donuts.
We hope you enjoy this info-packed issue—and please follow us on Facebook (@EyecareBusiness), Twitter (@EyecareBusiness), and Instagram (@EyecareBusinessMagazine) for daily updates from our EB team.

EB turns the Big 3-0 this year! To celebrate, we dug up this vintage cover from 1995
Best Regards,

Erinn Morgan
Editor-in-Chief + Editorial Director
Eyecare Business