The Power of Praise

does your team work hard? From the dispensary to the editor’s desk, there’s no doubt that we all put in extra effort—a little midnight oil, a few weekend hours, a bit of pedal to the metal—so it’s more than gratifying to receive praise and accolades for our efforts.
We were thrilled to receive some amazing reader compliments after our big “The Wild, Wild Web” September issue hit ECPs’ desks. This inspiring reader feedback also solidifies an exciting takeaway we got from our recent Readership Focus Group Study: an impressive 60% of ECPs said that EB is the industry magazine they read most thoroughly from cover to cover—and the one they are most likely to save and tear out articles from to share with staff.
Thank you to all of our readers for your support and praise. It makes all of the hard work incredibly worthwhile. Here are a few of our favorite recent “Letters to the Editor:”
I just wanted to let you know that EB magazine and the September issue in particular is off-the-chart great!!!! I started reading it and pulled a few pages I wanted to share with my staff only to realize that, from front to back, the magazine was full of valuable info. Your article on Coco & Breezy shows that EB is a trend leader. Congratulations.
—Edward Beiner, chief visionary officer, The Edward Beiner Group, 12 stores in Florida
“I wanted to let you know that I just received my new EB magazine and it’s amazing.
I’m going to use several of the articles for our team and for Facebook posts.”
—Donna Hawley, owner, Maple Grove Pearle Vision, Maple Grove, MN
We worked hard on this month’s special Luxury issue, where we dig into the high-end optical market to bring you a plethora of tear-out-worthy fashion + business features that provide BIG ideas to grow your business on so many fronts.
Join us on page 60 for a visual tour of some of the most head-turning high-end eyewear looks this season in our Opulence Found fashion feature. We also dig into the highly unique mindset of the millennial—the generation that will soon drive your upscale mix—and deliver four tips for a primo merchandise mix on page 66. And, so much more! We hope you enjoy the issue.

EB celebrates three amazing decades of serving eyecare professionals. Do you remember this cover from 2010?
Kindest Regards,

Erinn Morgan
Editor-in-Chief + Editorial Director
Eyecare Business