Making Contact
Our exclusive survey of eyecare professionals reveals which contact lens modalities are selling best + how ECPs are keeping online giants at bay
Contact lens sales remain a large segment of optometric practices’ revenues, comprising an average of 30% of gross revenue in 2016, according to the Eyecare Business 2016 Contact Lens Virtual Focus Group.
Additionally, 75% of survey respondents have seen an upward trend in overall sales of contacts in the past year, with 64% seeing between 1% and 9% in growth.
Still, with designs and technology evolving at a rapid pace—and the changing delivery channel becoming an increasing threat—it remains vital that eyecare professionals stay on top of this ever-changing category.
Read on to discover the eye-opening results of EB’s exclusive 2016 Contact Lens Virtual Focus Group, which reveals what your peers are dispensing, how they are marketing contacts, and how they are positioning themselves against the growing array of online discount vendors. This intel will help you position your own contact lens business effectively for the future.

More than one-third of patients treated by ECPs are seen for contact lenses
“We allow phone orders, and we’ll ship to the patient’s home if the purchase is more than $50.”

Business Growth: Slow but Steady
An impressive 75% of ECPs reported that their contact lens sales have increased over the past year, with the majority (64%) pegging that increase between 1% and 9%. A full 71% expect contact lens sales to increase over the next year.

Impact of Online Vendors
Is the online discounting of contacts an issue among ECPs? The numbers say yes. 91% of responding ECPs say they’ve been affected at some level by the online sale of contacts.

How are ECPs competing with the online challenge? Most notably by offering some type of price match when possible or adherence to UPP. Here are some other ways:
What’s Selling
Monthlies are the popular replacement modality among soft contact lens wearers, and the majority of ECPs believe that multifocal sales will increase over the next year. See below for other hot and growing contact lens categories.

Starting Points
How old is old enough? Most respondents say they start fitting interested patients at ages 8 to 10, but some prefer to wait a few years.

How Has Your Contact Lens Pricing Changed Over the Past 12 Months?
I charge less than a year ago for similar products
I charge more than a year ago for similar products

“We offer better service, educating purchasers about the added services we provide after purchase (warranty, exchange, emergency pairs) and manufacturer rebate offers.”