What Makes a Leader?

the right place. The right time. The right focus.
Eyecare Business debuted 30 years ago in 1986 with a somewhat controversial yet highly on-target focus. The big idea? To deliver intelligent, usable, hands-on strategies for growing the retail side of an eyecare business.
And, while “retail” may have been akin to a four-letter word to some practices 30 years ago, the retail/dispensing side has clearly become a key arena of growth.
What makes a leader? Visionary thinking.
Eyecare Business’ laser focus has always been on serving up targeted information—with journalistic integrity and honesty—that can truly benefit eyecare professionals. In turn, our readers have rewarded us with the highest ratings in the market.
In our exclusive 2016 Eyecare Business Focus Group Readership Study of ODs and opticians, an impressive 68% of eyecare professionals surveyed said Eyecare Business is THE magazine that is the most in touch with the business needs and concerns of independent ECPs. Additionally, 63% of ECPs surveyed said EB is the magazine that most frequently inspires their business purchasing decisions. And, 60% said EB is the magazine they read most thoroughly from cover to cover—and the one they are most likely to save and tear out articles from to share with staff.
What makes a leader? Unwavering integrity.
In this special anniversary issue, we open up our vast archives to reveal the real soul of our award-winning magazine—and show EB’s legacy of winning strategies, spectacular style, and a pure passion for helping independent eyecare professionals excel in business.
Join us on page 44, where we put an enticing array of EB’s best covers, biggest ideas, and most time-sensitive moments and quotes on display in The BIG 30 feature. We also curate a gorgeous visual tour of 13 history-defining eyewear styles (page 58) that are as popular today as they were decades ago. In addition, check out our entertaining timeline of The Famous (and Infamous) History of the Spectacle from 50 A.D. to today, starting on page 66.
In the end, our key to success is you, our reader, and we are indebted to each of you for every accomplishment we have realized. Thank you—truly and wholeheartedly from our entire team—for your support, yesterday and today.
“EB is to an optometry office what a dictionary or Thesaurus would be to a college student writing English papers—a must-have to succeed.”
—2016 EB Readership Study Participant
What makes a leader? Infectious inspiration.
We hope you catch—and spread—some of that, too.

Welcome to our BIG 30th anniversary issue. Do you remember EB’s debut cover from 1986?

Erinn Morgan
Editor-in-Chief + Editorial Director
Eyecare Business