attending an outdoor industry event many years ago, I was fortunate enough to hear a talk given by award-winning author and conservationist Terry Tempest Williams. Her message that day: Service is the purpose of the soul.
That mantra has stuck with me in the years since, and the simple yet powerful words make more and more sense to me with every passing year.
I gave a talk to my daughter’s 2nd-grade class a few weeks ago to tell them a little bit about my job as an editor in magazine publishing. I also talked to them about the great importance of protecting their eyes, especially from the sun’s UV rays and blue light. Thanks to the incredibly good-hearted folks at Wiley X and Bollé, I was able to give a pair of kids’ sunglasses to each child.
The result—about 30 minutes of questions from the incredible, inspiring minds of 7- and 8-year-olds…plus a roomful of pure smiles. At the end of my talk, they all donned their new sunnies for a photo opp and then headed outside on that sun-soaked day for recess.
“At the end of the day, it’s up the patient to decide what they want to do. But it’s our responsibility to present them with information. And that’s what we do.”
— Bradley Schwartz, O.D., owner of Oneota Valley Family Eye Care in Decorah, IA
Providing that small amount of education and information—and sun protection—to a small-but-engaged audience made my heart warm. Service. Certainly, one purpose of the soul.
The incredible education and service you provide your patients with every day—to better their vision—is truly inspiring. In this special issue, we aim to inspire you to parlay your expertise into useful, vision-enhancing education on blue light for your patients.
Starting on page 64, EB’s Managing Editor Susan Tarrant—our resident lens + technology expert—digs into the real truths about the hot topic of blue light. She also serves up the backstory on how two ODs have each positioned themselves as their community’s blue light expert to better serve patients and grow their business.
And, there is so much more…we hope you enjoy this jam-packed issue—and that it inspires you to educate your patients on how they can realize better, safer, long-term vision.
Erinn Morgan
Editor-in-Chief + Editorial Director
Eyecare Business