Love gaining new followers? August is your month on social media.

out of all the months for social media, I’d have to say that I lovvve August the most.
There are just so many quirky dates in August that inspire creativity to make your social media stand out and get you what you want—more followers.
Not only do we want validation for our hard work—but mo’ followers equal mo’ business. Are you thinking dollar signs? I sure am.
But don’t let social media dates like Bad Poetry Day scare you off. This month, I’ve created beautiful and thoughtful social media assets to save you time. And well, more time.
Children’s Eye Health & Safety Month
Children are sacred. As ECPs, we do everything in our power to protect their eyes. August is Children’s Eye Health & Safety Month, so tap into this opportunity to spread the good word.
I’ve designed a three-part educational campaign to address the myriad vision problems that children are susceptible to: infection, injury, and myopia. Just add your educational caption, a call to action such as “Book Now at 555-555-2020,” and hashtag #ChildrensEyeHealth. Because, the future.

Contact Lens Health Week
It’s not “Nightmare on Elm Street,” it’s a real-life contact lens horror story. We have all certainly read about contact lens-related infection and blindness.
Yes, blindness.
It’s the fifth year the Centers for Disease Control has organized a special week to increase public awareness—Contact Lens Health Week, Aug. 20-24.
The three areas of emphasis are hygiene habits, safety with contact lenses and supplies, and regular eye exams.
For homework, I’d like you to create a three-part campaign to be posted in gallery style (see the EB July issue Social Media Hot List on how to do this). And, like always, add your educational caption, call to action, and #ContactLensHealthWeek. You got this.

Best Quirky Dates in August
Dates, along with free images & captions, provided below.
Aug. 3:
International Beer Day
“Pilsner or IPA? Our kind of glasses to celebrate #BeerDay. Enjoy!”
Aug. 9:
Book Lover’s Day
“Don’t ruin a great book with bad vision. When it comes to vision, we create happy endings. #BookLoversDay”
Aug. 13:
Left Hander’s Day
“Our eye doctors know a thing or 2 about lefties. PS: the answer is false. #LeftHandersDay”
Aug. 18:
Bad Poetry Day
“When your glasses give your face poetic justice. #BadPoetryDay”
Aug. 26:
Women’s Equality Day
“To all the women in the world, we SEE and hear you. Happy #WomensEqualityDay.”
—Tanya N. Gill, O.D.
Get all the corresponding post images we’ve created on the EB website for you to download and use for free!