A Whole New Array
Hoya Vision Care launches the second generation of its Array free-form backside-surfaced lens, the Array 2. The original Array design used Hoya free-form backside-surfacing technology on any single-vision lens, in any material, and could be optimized for individual prescription for greatest performance of the lens design. The second generation, Array 2, builds on its flexible backside platform and now incorporates Binocular Harmonization Technology (BHT).
According to Hoya, Array 2 is a versatile design great for younger presbyopes as well as those needing more than their previous lenses offered.
BHT treats the right and left prescription as individual components to define the required binocular lens design, then the necessary corridor length and progressive power distribution are calculated. Each eye receives individual accommodative support to achieve optimal binocularity, which minimizes nonadapts.
INFO: hoyavision.com

High-Volume Edger
Essilor Instruments USA has released the Pro-E 700 edging system, a high-volume production system that combines precision and versatility with robustness and speed, according to the company. The design of the Pro-E 700 builds on the popular features of Essilor Instruments USA’s popular Pro-E 600 edging system.
Its fully optimized process handles milling, roughing, high-curve levels, step bevels, drilling, and grooving. Advanced features include engraving, Half Jacket wraps, Chemistrie clips, safety beveling, super chamfering, and creative shapes.
INFO: 855-393-4647, essilorinstrumentsusa.com

A Partnership in Optical Supplies
Santinelli International has collaborated with Italy-based optical supply company CentroStyle to introduce Santinelli International Optical Supplies (SIOS). Sios has launched its first collection of products with a colorful catalog offering everyday items to fully stock any office or laboratory.
The Sios lineup includes innovative and simple products for everyday optical dispensary and laboratory needs. A unique color coding of the catalog as well as the products helps users immediately identify the tools they need for the job at hand.
INFO: 800-644-3343, siosoptical.com

Lens Focuses on Eye Misalignment
neurolens has introduced the first prescription lenses that add a contoured prism to relieve the headaches, neck/shoulder pain, and eye strain that 65% of U.S. adults complain of when using digital devices, reading, or doing detail work. The neurolens provides effortless eye alignment (for those who need it) at all distances by gradually increasing the prism from distance to near.
The visual system must work constantly to compensate for any eye misalignment, putting stress on the trigeminal nerve—the one responsible for head and neck sensations—and leading to trigeminal dysphoria. According to neurolens research, 90% of patients have a larger misalignment at near than distance.
A neurolens measurement device uses eye-tracking technology and a three-minute exam to measure the degree of eye misalignment at both distance and near. These measurements provide a recommended prescription range for the neurolens lens design.
INFO: neurolenses.com

Take Vertical Seg Height Readings
Put down your ruler. The DigiOmeter3 from Western Optical Supply provides a new way to take digitally accurate pupillary height readings for multifocal prescriptions, in addition to measuring interpupillary distance and vertex readings.
The instrument measures the distance between the pupils and from the eyewire to the pupil by focusing the spot of light reflecting off the patient’s retina. Using a linear sensor, the reflection is bisected vertically or horizontally to take the reading. The DigiOmeter3 also measures the distance from the cornea to the back side of the lens.
INFO: 800-423-3294, westernoptical.com

ACUVUE Subscription Service
Johnson & Johnson Vision has launched the new MyACUVUE Subscription Program, developed to provide contact lens wearers greater access and convenience when purchasing an annual supply of ACUVUE brand contact lenses through their eyecare professional.
Orders are placed through the ECP’s practice and shipped directly from J&J to the contact lens wearer. Patients can maximize savings by using MyACUVUE Rewards or spread out the cost of an annual supply into affordable payments.
ECPs can ask their sales rep about the program or call 800-843-2020 (option 3).
INFO: jnjvisionpro.com