are smart glasses really salable in the optical?
For this, our annual High-Tech issue of EB, we took a pair for a test run to tell you about the experience. VSP Global kindly outfitted me with a demo unit of its newly released (in select markets) product—Level smart glasses—to test. Here’s what I experienced:
In my view, Level is a simple, fun, features-packed option for patients and a win-win for the optical.
To learn more about the opportunity for smart eyewear in the optical, check out What the Tech? starting on page 42. We hope you enjoy the issue!

Model: Hannah Haen/Photogenics
Photography: Jurgen Reisch
Hair + Makeup: Prisca Wille
Fitting Optician: Rhea Aldridge of Gogosha Optique
Frames: Level smart glasses by VSP Global
Erinn Morgan
Editor-in-Chief + Editorial Director
Eyecare Business