Tech is the new black.
Because it’s cool. Because it’s cutting-edge. And, most important, because consumers crave it.
A study from Lab42 revealed that 84% of respondents say it is very important or somewhat important that the company or brand they buy from is innovative.
Specs are also getting utterly tech’d out with fresh, high-def designs, smart eyewear applications, and 3D printing. Here, we present a roundup of seriously smart eyewear. Welcome to the bleeding edge.
Model Photography by Jurgen Reisch > Still Life Photography by David Kressler
Styled + Directed by Erinn Morgan > Art Direction by William Pfaff
Still Life Shot Styled by Kerri Ann Raimo > Fitting Optician: Rhea Aldridge of Gogosha Optique
Hair + Makeup by Prisca Wille > Model: Hannah Haehn/Photogenics