which area of your business needs the most attention right now? In response to that very question in our recent Eyecare Business 2018 Reader Study, eyecare professionals by far chose “Staff Training” as the top area they feel that they need to focus on today. With 51% of survey respondents selecting “Staff Training,” the next choice was “Social Media,” chosen by 34%.
Does your business need a training plan? Let us help you. In this issue, we unveil our EB BIG Staff Training Guide, served up starting on page 50, which is just jam-packed with expert-served tips and advice for training your existing staff—PLUS a tear-it-out-and-keep-it one-page Staff Training Calendar that covers one full year with a specific training plan. And, if you’re passionate about training + CE, check out our company’s very own education-packed Optometric Management Symposium—Nov. 1-4 at Disney’s Yacht & Beach Club in Orlando—OMConference.com.
“There’s a big difference between training or telling somebody what to do and teaching them how to learn. It really sticks when there is learning involved.”
Mario Gutierrez, O.D., of Vision Source Alamo Heights
— What’s Your Secret Sauce? staff training feature, page 50
There’s so much more in this issue, which also has a distinctly feminine focus on today’s soft, pretty, sparkling women’s eyewear—check it all out in our stunning fashion feature, Got Beauty on Board? which begins on page 38. And, if you happen to be (or have) a new dispenser in the house, turn to Get Schooled on page 34, where ultra-pro optician Julia Gogosha lays out seven key dispensing tips for optical newbies.
We hope you enjoy the issue!

Erinn Morgan
Editor-in-Chief + Editorial Director
Eyecare Business