Empowering Staff for 2021
In the face of staff reductions, changing scenarios, and shifting responsibilities, the traditional staff training manual simply doesn’t cut it anymore.
In its place are more flexible and fluid approaches to training and retaining staff. To see how all this is playing out in real time, we sought out two different perspectives—one an O.D., the other an optical consultant.
→ Diana Canto-Sims, O.D., calls herself an “eyeball doctor turned frame designer.” In addition to her La Vida eyewear collection, she co-owns and manages Buena Vista Optical in Chicago.
→ Sharing a different perspective is optical consultant Patti Thomas, who is based in Clarks Summit, PA.
They both agree that keywords for training in 2021 will be “change” and “flexibility.”
That’s especially true with younger employees. As Dr. Canto-Sims puts it, “So many people complain that the new generation doesn’t want to work hard or the same way we want them to. The reality is that we need to change our mindset.”
Here, these experts share six key ideas for a 2021 staff training plan makeover for everything from training to retaining and retraining.
“How you train staff will determine how well they can communicate. Right now, and in 2021, you have to make sure you’re training your people to care. It all begins with empathy, from you to staff, and, only then, from staff to patients. A question for the new year: You expect employees to reassure patients, but are you reassuring staff first?” —Patti Thomas
“Whether it’s deliveries, curbside, or e-commerce, you have to train staff to follow through on new enhanced patient services. Brainstorm with staff by asking, ‘What more can we do?’ And then ask yourself the same question. ‘What can I do to make staff feel safe, more valued, and feel good about taking care of patients?’” —Patti Thomas
“It’s about teaching staff to present a second pair of polarized sun along with that progressive with Transitions. A new strategy for us is bringing in more luxury frames. So, where we used to sell a $200 frame, we’ve found that offering $700 frames now makes it much easier for staff to sell a $400 one.” —Dr. Canto-Sims
“Though many practices are experiencing higher capture rates, staff needs to be empathetic about and able to address the sensitive subject of difficult financial situations. That means training staff not to assume the person who spent $1,000 last time can do it right now.” —Patti Thomas
“When it comes to training, the webinar feature available on Zoom Pro is terrific for us. We use webinars to meet with crew...that’s what I call staff. You can share your screen when necessary, plus you can record the session so someone not attending the meeting can see it later. Also, I did a PowerPoint presentation on sexual harassment that we recorded, so we can send a new employee the link.” —Dr. Canto-Sims
“We encourage them to get certified as an optician. We also have a styling course we purchased where employees can become certified eyewear stylists online. This is important because to capture and retain the best employees, you have to offer them something that no one else is.” —Dr. Canto-Sims
Looking ahead to 2021, Thomas concludes, “Skill upgrades, whether cross-training or upgraded online skill training, will be key.”
Dr. Canto-Sims agrees, but says fear of change is still holding a lot of practices back. “Often people don’t want to change because they’re afraid of making a mistake,” she says. “That’s true of employees, but also of owners and management.
“Like it or not, change is going to happen, so get over it. That is how you are going to learn.”