jam-packed with pandemic-busting
intel, from a detailed guide to setting
up virtual fittings to one stellar sports
Rx lens case study.
Photo: Jurgen Reisch
Model: Amiyah McGraw/L.A. Models
Fitting Optician: Julia Gogosha
Hair + Makeup: Lauren Lancaster/Art
Frame: Wiley X style WX Glory ACGLR09
Last May, with the harsh realities of the pandemic settling in and my 10-year-old daughter about to wrap up the virtual reality of an online-finished 5th grade, I did what any reasonable person facing a highly unusual summer ahead would do—I went online and bought two inflatable stand-up paddleboards.
The problem was that thousands of other people had the same socially distanced, outdoor-focused-activity idea. Six weeks later, our in-high-demand SUPs finally showed up.
According to NPD Group, the paddle sport category (kayaks, paddleboards, rafts, and canoes)—which faced declines prior to Covid-19—saw a whopping increase of 56% in June 2020 over June 2019. Of $172 million in sales in June 2020, SUPs accounted for 66%.
On the same pandemic-fueled trajectory—bicycles. With a steep spike in sales—up 63% in June 2020 over June 2019—this category provided a vehicle to distanced outdoor recreation. In fact, consumers were hard-pressed to find any bikes left on the racks last year—sales reached $697 million in June 2020 alone.

Optical Women's Association.
Frame: Givenchy GV7170/G/S from Safilo.
These trends can mean a whole lot for eyecare professionals—translating directly into incredible potential in the active sports eyewear category. Add on a sports Rx lens sale, and you’re cooking with oil. Are you stocked up with solid options and sports eyewear strategies?
In this issue, we tap the sports eyewear genius of Bret Hunter, founder and owner of Boulder-based Sports Optical (and a former X Games competitor), for a soup-to-nuts case study for success, starting on page 54. A bonus guide to proprietary brand Rx lens programs kicks off on page 58, and an enticing display of the newest sports eyewear can be found starting on page 42.
And, there is so much more in this action-packed issue, from our must-read Ultimate Virtual Fittings Guide on page 50 to the debut of our new livestream-meets-magazine series, #EBSharetheMic, starting on page 36.
We hope you enjoy the issue—and get out there pedaling or paddling this spring…

Curious what’s in store in this issue of EB? Join Editor Erinn Morgan by clicking play in EB’s digital edition for quick highlights + insider info.

Erinn Morgan,
Editor-in-Chief + Editorial Director