With Insights for Eyes CEO Steve Duff

Insights for Eyes (I4E) CEO Steve Duff spent the last 25 years of his career running a successful health care technology company where, working with big data, he led the development of new data models that were previously mired in complexity.
Now, he is bringing that expertise to the vision care arena.
Founded in 2019, I4E brings a fresh approach to data analytics and targeted marketing for vision care. “Practice management systems and health care data are some of the most complicated and regulated technologies in the world,” says Duff. “There was a huge need to create new and improved data models that never existed before. We think there is an exciting opportunity to take that same expertise and apply a similar approach to vision care.”
Here, he sits down with EB’s Erinn Morgan to share more.
EB: Please tell us about I4E’s background.
Steve Duff: Our vision is to serve the vision care industry with the deepest insights and most actionable and reliable data. To achieve that vision, I4E organizes manufacturer, laboratory, ECP, and consumer data into a single vendor-agnostic data model that it uses to provide an objective view of the market.
Data sources are based on millions of eyecare transactional records and millions of deep consumer profile records. With data streams that are updated daily, I4E can offer new levels of granularity and objectivity that previously have not existed.
We are working closely with analytical industry leaders to transform vision care transactional data into actionable insights that inform strategies, tactics, and accelerate growth. Our unique data sources are instrumental in helping businesses understand their current customers, find more like them, and drive sales revenue.
EB: What are some of the I4E team’s unique credentials?
SD: I4E is also led by President Tom Gormley, who has 25 years of experience utilizing data analytics to help some of the world’s most successful retailers and brands to grow their businesses. He has spent his career working with corporate sales, marketing, and merchandising teams to influence consumer choice in ways that lead to category growth, market share gains, increased sales, and improved profitability.
EB: How does I4E compile data?
SD: I4E spent most of 2019 building its own database of United States vision care businesses and working hard to create a unique core data set that contains deep information on over 20 million spectacle lens transactions.
The spectacle lens transactions are sourced from a private combination of lab management systems, practice management systems, and key industry suppliers. I4E has invested heavily in the creation of automated systems to clean, de-dupe, and integrate that vision care business and transaction data into a single, consolidated database.
Today, I4E has 20,000 U.S. vision care businesses in its core data engine and is continually seeking new complementary data sources, including ophthalmic lenses, contacts, frames, and exams.
I4E also has access to 242 million U.S. adult consumers, each with thousands of demographic, geographic, psychographic, and behavioral attributes. Each consumer is geotagged, and proximity matched to nearby ECP sites.
EB: How can I4E’s data help the vision care industry innovate?
SD: Because we have the most comprehensive third-party database of vision care businesses, combined with transactions and consumer data, our predictive data models are highly valuable and can really streamline sales and marketing efforts across the board.
But it is the combination of consumer insights plus ECP transaction insights that leads to the most actionable information. That is where we stand out.
If data-driven engagement can shorten the feedback loop between the innovators and the businesses and consumers that would want those new goods or services, we think it will accelerate the growth of the industry. For info: steve.duff@insightsforeyes.com.
EB x I4E: Optical Insights
Eyecare Business is proud to partner with I4E to deliver key market insights via critical data points in each issue in 2021.
While overall ophthalmic lens volume will end the year down (-11.8%), we do see relevant product mix shifts. For example, the following lens types have all outperformed their counterparts and gained volume share in 2020:
(+1.4 volume share points)
Premium Class
Digital Process
Higher Material Index
Private Label
Even in a down year, there are always opportunities for growth. Creating a data-driven culture enables early adopters to stay ahead of the curve.