Launched amid the Covid-19 pandemic, the Optometric Business Tracker (OBT) is a collaboration between GPN Technologies and Eyecare Business that reveals sales and exam data from more than 2,400 practice locations across the country.
We continue to reveal crucial takeaways tracking practice exams and patient payments, plus frame, lens, and contact lens sales, but in a more easily digestible, focused way to address practice information needs heading into a new phase of the pandemic.
This month’s OBT “Practice Pearl” takes a closer look at photochromic lens sales.
Head into Q4 armed with critical intel and key trend takeaways, with the state of optical sales and exams in clear view.

Practice Pearl
The photochromic share of lens sales averaged 21% during 2021. To explore how photochromic lens sales change over time and place, GPN drew from a representative sample of 1,000 ECP locations distributed across the U.S. in the GPN data set.
As the amount of sunlight available to trigger photochromic darkening varies by time and place, the month and location of purchase was compared to sunlight levels. Sunlight here is measured as “insolation”—incoming solar radiation in kilojoules per square meter. Insolation is tracked by NASA and reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Insolation is affected by latitude and daylight hours as well as cloud cover and air pollution.

For an in-depth interactive analysis of photochromic lens sales, visit
Practice Resources
GPN is using its eyeTHRIVE business solutions channel ( to offer timely webinars and resources to ECPs. The open-forum webinars feature some of the industry’s most successful O.D.s, practice management consultants, and business owners. eyeTHRIVE members are invited to attend live webinars, view recorded presentations, download useful tools, and participate in live Q&A sessions with industry pros.
- All industry data provided by GPN:
Visit monthly as we reveal the real-time data on countrywide practice sales and exams—provided by GPN.