Boosting the share of complete-pair sales can significantly enhance revenue and amplify the bottom-line impact of each transaction. GPN examined the typical share of complete and partial eyeglass purchases, analyzing the differences by patient age and payer. Its study categorized age groups as 44 and under and 45 and over, and payers as third-party supplemented or self-paid. GPN reviewed more than 2 million transactions from its database, spanning 1,000 ECP locations across the U.S. during the 2023 calendar year.

GPN’s findings revealed that the percentage of complete-pair and frame-only purchases decreases with advancing age, for both plan-covered and self-paid transactions. Conversely, lens-only transactions increase with age in both payer groups. Notably, plan-participating transactions show a significantly higher rate of complete-pair purchases compared with self-paid transactions, across all age groups. Additionally, partial-pair purchases are significantly lower among plan-paid transactions compared with self-paid transactions.
The data suggests that both vision plans and age play a crucial role in consumer preferences for purchasing complete pairs of eyeglasses. Self-paying customers and, to a lesser extent, older patients tend to buy only the necessary components, likely influenced by cost considerations.
Want to dive deeper into these insights and learn how to leverage this data to boost practice revenue? Access further intel here.

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• All industry data provided by GPN: