Aug. 17, 2023 — The National Center for Children’s Vision and Eye Health at Prevent Blindness (NCCVEH) announced Danielle Crull, ABOM, as the recipient of the ninth annual Bonnie Strickland Champion for Children’s Vision Award. Crull is an optician, author, owner of A Child’s Eyes in Mechanicsburg, PA, organizer of The Pumpkin Patch Project, and founder of the Truffles the Kitty Organization (TKO). The award will be formally presented at the NCCVEH Annual Meeting on Sept. 14.
Established in 2014, this award commemorates Bonnie Strickland and her work to establish a comprehensive system for children’s vision in the U.S. She served as director of the Division of Services for Children with Special Health Needs at the federal Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Health Resources and Services Administration before her retirement in 2014. Prevent Blindness shares that Strickland improved vision for children through strong national partnerships, innovative program approaches, and improved national surveillance. The award in her name recognizes efforts to improve public health approaches for children’s vision and eye health at the state or national level.
Crull was honored with the Bonnie Strickland Champion for Children’s Vision Award due to her efforts to raise awareness of vision disorders in children, promote early detection and treatment, support children in their patching treatment for amblyopia and eyeglasses-wearing, and engage families and the public in efforts to reduce stigma around vision disorders.
Through TKO, Crull uses Truffles the Kitty as an ambassador to promote innovative approaches to vision health and educational + engagement efforts. She has also authored two children’s books regarding eye health, “Apple Patty Patches” and “Banana Bobby Wears Bifocals.”
TKO focuses on three different initiatives: A Campaign for Knowledge, which provides educational materials to parents and teachers to help them recognize potential vision issues early; A Campaign for Encouragement, which sends Treats from Truffles to children wearing glasses and eye patches, or those who will undergo eye surgery; and A Campaign for Assistance, which provides funds to help families afford eyewear for their child.
Additionally, TKO recently released Patching with Truffles, a free web application that encourages children to continue with their patching each day.
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